Catedral Metropolitana de São Sebastião do Rio de Janeiro
Cathedral of St. Sebastian of Rio de Janeiro
a Roman Catholic church built between 1964 - 79
modern style based on Mayan architectural style of pyramids
(from Wikipedia)

After a half-hour walk from the Cathedral (my speed, but would have been 5 minutes for our son!), the plan was to ride the Santa Teresa Streetcar, called Bonde, over cobblestone streets to its "end of the line" each way, for an excellent way to get an overview of Rio's  inner city, to see some of Rio's famous "street art/murals" & colonial architecture.  It was 3:30.  Shockingly to us & dozens of people after we got there, the guard said it was closed for the day!!!  VERY disappointing, especially since this historic tramway has run continuously since its opening in 1877 (except for a brief 2011–15 suspension), & that it is one of the oldest street railway lines in the world.   

So in the end we decided to go back to the hotel (considering time to get/wait for an Uber & a half-hour ride).  Today's Ubers were $3 hotel to the Steps (30 min.); $3.40 to the Slave Market (5-10 min.); $7.20 to the Library (5-10 min.); $8 to the Cathedral after lunch (5-10 min.); & $6.40 back to the hotel (30 min.).  The reason I mention costs is to show the big differences . . . the time of day considering the possible amount of traffic & the number of Uber requests at that time; how close an Uber is to your pickup point; etc.  WHY it cost so much to go to the Library & the Cathedral . . . the distances being a stone's throw vs. the hotel-to-Steps miles, I have no idea . . . maybe because it's the high tourist area & people will just pay it, but for us it was fine because each of these rides was for 3 people because Uber charges for the distance, not the # of passengers.  And the speed & convenience was exceptional, all over, whenever we needed to go someplace.  In total it was $28 for 3 of us to get all around this day ~ each place from doorstep to doorstep ~ a good deal.

Sundown would now be in about an hour.  Our son had time to whip out to the beach for a stroll & photos, & then go to the local grocery store for breakfast items such as juice, cereal bars, yogurt, croissants, gallon jugs of water, a few sweets, etc., AND SURPISE of all surprises (as he said, an early Mother's Day gift🤗!), he found a Rio de Janeiro food tin filled with sugar cookies (yeah - a 40-year collection already ~ ~ ~ it will be in the Tins of Taste Museum in my on-going project of the

And the cookies were good & sweet!

The other important item was for our son to have time to find a guided tour for tomorrow's visit to the Statue & Sugar Loaf Mt. (using a cell phone to do internet research & booking).  It also gave me time to read tourist info about items in the city which would be of interest.  When we planned this Rio trip, originally one day was to be a 4-hour bus ride to a historic colonial city our son wanted to visit, and we'd get to see some countryside.  But with the forecast of rain Friday afternoon & Saturday, that had to be scrapped.  What happens is that if you have one chance, in your entire lifetime, to get to the top of the Statue & Sugar Loaf Mt., & they're covered in clouds (!!!) - - - well, you can figure it out, & that's exactly what happened by the time we got to the top of Sugar Loaf Mt. on late Friday morning.  There we had no cloud cover, as it was when we were at the Statue, but now we could no longer see Christ the Redeemer Statue as it was all cloud covered!  It was another reason for the time efficiency of being on a booked tour which had a vehicle & driver & began early.

Christ the Redeemer Statue (getting there)

In town, used to be a colonial palace/home of some individual.
In town, used to be a colonial palace/home of some individual.
Under an overpass in town.  Both of these were passers-by.  There's a can for the money, but no keeper of the items.  Maybe gone on a toilet call!
Under an overpass in town. Both of these were passers-by. There's a can for the money, but no keeper of the items. Maybe gone on a toilet call!
Actual "hairpin" turns, on & on.
Actual "hairpin" turns, on & on.
Busses & all other-sized vehicles; for bicyclists ~ a very challenging workout!
Busses & all other-sized vehicles; for bicyclists ~ a very challenging workout!
This is a "favela."  It's the "squatters" area of trying to survive.  Our guide told us there is no "modern" infrastructure of plumbing or electricity, heat (if ever needed) or AC in this area.  I don't know about a source of water.
This is a "favela." It's the "squatters" area of trying to survive. Our guide told us there is no "modern" infrastructure of plumbing or electricity, heat (if ever needed) or AC in this area. I don't know about a source of water.

Christ the Redeemer Statue

out what God says about Jesus being the way (& nothing else - not by your works) . . . Matthew 11:28-30; John 14:6; I John 5:11-13; Acts 4:12; John 3:3, 7, 16-18; Matthew 11:28-30; John 14:6; I John 5:11-13; Acts 4:12; John 3:3, 7, 16-18; John 1:12; Ephesians 2:8-9; Romans 3:23, 6:23, 5:8; I Peter 3:18; Titus 3:5; Revelation 3:20; Hebrews 9:27 ~ ~ ~ 

God says it's unbelief in Jesus that doesn't let someone enter Heaven, Hebrews 3:19. This "unbelief" isn't knowing "about" Jesus in your brain. (James 2:19 - Even the demons believe in God . . . & shudder!)  It's about 1) knowing you're a sinner; 2) knowing Jesus is God & died as the required blood sacrifice for the forgiveness of your sin; 3) being sorry for your sin (which is always against God); 4) surrendering your will to Him, "receiving Him by a prayer, a commitment in your heart like a contract" (John 1:12) in that your ways of living in this world will revolve around having a knowing relationship with Him/Jesus/God & His way for you to live (which is in the Bible & what the Bible is all about ~~ God's letter & His autobiography to you); 5) & knowing Jesus rose from the dead.

That creates Jesus' required John 3:3 "spiritually being born again" position of having faith (belief) of having eternal life in Heaven/knowing you're going to Heaven when you die based on Jesus & what Jesus did for you ~~ transferred your sin unto Himself when He died & forgave you so you could have God's righteousness which is what God requires in order for Him to accept you into His presence (2 Corinthians 5:21).  Jesus wants a real, live relationship with each of us because He is alive & wants to be living inside you, to guide you, and more! 

But He needs each of us to "repent" (make a conscious decision to turn away from our sin nature), & learn to follow how He says we should live (intentionally not wanting to sin).  When you accept Jesus as your Personal Savior (because He died on the cross for you & shed His blood as the required blood sacrifice to take away your sins ~ Hebrews 9:22), you've established your spiritual birthday as you become sealed that day 1) for eternity in Heaven (Ephesians 1:13-14), & 2) for what Paul told the Ephesians about this moment of "reliance on Jesus" ~ for their life here on earth & for their eternity in Heaven (Ephes. 1:15-2:9).  For more, you can read through ~ especially the "Choosing Heaven" Menu link.

Views at the Top

Envision these following photos as a video of a continuous view from the northeast, south to the Atlantic, & westward until it's all mountains to get a real good layout of how so many are crammed in amongst the valleys of a long, rugged coastline . . . compared to where you are living.

So we leave Jesus' outstretched arms as His personal invitation to come to Him as our way to Heaven, & follow our guide to the van for the next tour stop at Sugar Loaf Mountain --->

Going to "Visiting Brazil7" [Rio de Janeiro 1 of 3] - Page 4, SUGAR LOAF>

Visiting Brazil (Brasil)

Opening up the world to different cultures, but remembering all of us were created by God.
(c) 2023-2024 by Donna M. Kozak, especially of the photos to not be used by anyone for commercial purposes and financial gain.


This is the 7th in a series of connected "Visiting Brazil" websites using Webnode's "free" website offer (with limited space which photos, vs. text, use up very rapidly). Having had a limited knowledge of life in Brazil (only knowing of the Amazon, jungles, & the Jesus statue), I made this website series to share our March/April 2023, month-long trip, for your enjoyment, enlightenment, and educational benefit to expand our South American cultural awareness. 

Contact me at:

Put "Visiting Brazil" in the subject line.

Website index below . . .

This is an INDEX (w/no links) of my VISITING BRAZIL travel series. There are 9 linked websites, with the pages also linked within each website.

This website series begins with: Thereafter, a # is included: . . ., etc., etc.

NOTE: Also, you will see that the end of the website address will change to "page," so typing in either .com or .page will take you to the website. This is built in within Webnode because I'm using their "free website system" vs. buying a domain name.  

(the beginning) - Recife: flying in, apt., Fogo's; pg.2 Blue Church Mkt.; pg.3 Out & About in Recife – streets, bldgs., souvenirs

(NOTE: The first number on the left margin designates the VisitingBrazil #? website URL number for the pages which follow.)

2- Recife2 - Basic Info re Brazil, collecting – Coca Cola; McD's, Subway, etc. USA; pg.2 Grocery Store; pg.3 Old Prison Market; pg.4 Eat – Restaurants, Bakery, Apt. foods

3- Recife3 - Go to Downtown Recife; pg.2 Warehouse crafts; Other Shopping; Night drive; pg.3 Old Granary – Restaurant; Night Skyline, Uber drive back

4- Olinda 1st church; pg.2 Pumpkin Lunch; Streets; 2nd Church; pg.3 Market & Shops

5- Salvador1 - AIRPORT; CITY, HOTEL inside & Street views; Ribbon Church; Eat outdoors; pg.2 Map; Indoor Market; Music Museum; pg.3 Lower Plaza & Elevator Go-Up

6- Salvador2 - Top of Elevator; Cathedral; Lunch w/guitar player; pg.2 Plaza; Monastery; Underfoot; pg.3 Around Town; pg.4 Beyond Town – Harbor night; Blue Church Sunday, Back to Recife

7- RIO1 – Hotel, Beaches, Maps; pg.2 Steps, Slave Mkt, Library, Colombo Lunch; pg.3 Modern Cathedral & Jesus Statue; pg.4 Sugar Loaf Mt.

8- RIO2 - Good Friday – 2 Churches; pg.2 Aquarium; Mural Walk; pg.3 Last Look Around

9- RIO3 – History Museum Intro; pg.2 Museum: Sugar & Slavery; pg.3 Museum: Independence (History); pg.4 Museum: 135 Years a Republic 

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